Platinum partner

TMC Application Lifecycle Management Platinum partner Atlassian

Eindhoven – TMC Application Lifecycle Management (TMC ALM) behaalde de Platinum status van het Atlassian partnership. Atlassian is de producent van samenwerkingstools zoals Jira, Jira ServiceDesk, Confluence en Bitbucket. Het behalen van deze hoogst mogelijke partnerstatus is niet alleen een belangrijke erkenning door Atlassian. Het is vooral ook een keurmerk richting de markt dat het…

Need for Speed

Need for speed – under the hood

NFS storage for Atlassian Server applications Atlassian applications have the tendency to grow on you and your organization. What often starts as a tool for a single team, will soon pick up momentum and more and more teams will follow. To a point that management will realize that it is becoming an important tool within…

JIRA performance over long distance

Hi, my name is Bert van Dijk, and I’m an Atlassian specialist at TMC. A few weeks ago, I visited a customer that uses a number of different Atlassian applications, like Confluence, Crucible, Bitbucket and Jira. These products are used at different locations and in general everything is working very well. This changed when they…

Atlassian Apps

Atlassian Apps Using Atlassian products can bring even more benefits due to the availability of apps (previously known as plugins or add-ons). Apps are available at the Atlassian Marketplace and offer functionality which is not available in the standard product. Two examples are apps for software testing and apps for requirements gathering. Apps are available for all products, but most Apps are available for JIRA and…

tmc atlassian solution partner enterprise

TMC Atlassian health check

TMC Atlassian health check Is your Atlassian tooling future-proof? Are your tools running stable and optimal? Are you enjoying all the benefits of your Atlassian tooling? TMC, an Atlassian Enterprise Solution partner, sees many Atlassian users and (system) administrators struggling with the Atlassian environment. Especially in times of change, it can be be difficult to…


Importance of Security updates

Security is getting more important every year. Lack of security could mean your data is compromised or leaked to the competitor. Sometimes it can also happen that the application depending on a insecure library or component can lead to a gap in the security. To give you an impression on the magnitude of these issues,…

Videoconferencing to enable effective digital collaboration

Over the past years the world has become smaller and smaller. That’s not because the world shrunk physically but the fact that more people can afford travelling by plane made borders virtually disappear. Another reason for disappearing borders is the growing availability of software solutions to support collaboration between distributed teams / team members. Our…